The Scientific Approach to Slip Resistance

Pendulum Testing Explained: An Effective Method for Walkway Safety Compliance

Walkway safety is essential for any business or public space. One effective method for ensuring this safety is the pendulum test, a widely accepted tool in slip resistance testing. In this article, we’ll explore how this test works and why it’s crucial for maintaining walkway safety compliance.

What Is Pendulum Testing?

Pendulum testing measures the slip resistance of floors and walkways. The process uses a pendulum-like device that swings a rubber foot across the surface, simulating the action of a person slipping. The result is a Pendulum Test Value (PTV), which indicates how slippery the surface is. A higher PTV means better slip resistance.

How Does the Pendulum Test Work?

The pendulum test works by simulating the motion of a foot on a surface. A rubber slider, attached to the end of a pendulum arm, swings down to contact the surface being tested. After contact, the distance the pendulum travels is measured, which then provides a reading of the surface’s slip resistance. The higher the reading, the more slip-resistant the surface becomes.

Moreover, this test is highly regarded for its accuracy and ability to closely mimic real-life walking conditions, making it a reliable indicator of potential slip hazards.

Pendulum Test for Slip Resistance Testing

The pendulum test is a reliable standard in slip resistance testing among other methods. It’s recognized globally and offers reliable, repeatable results. It helps facility managers, businesses, and property owners comply with safety regulations like ANSI A137.1 and other standards.

Ensuring Walkway Safety Compliance

By using the pendulum test, businesses can easily comply with walkway safety guidelines. Regulatory bodies, such as the NFSI, mandate regular testing to prevent slip accidents. Additionally, consistent slip resistance testing helps reduce liability risks for businesses.

Benefits of Pendulum Testing

  • Accurate: Pendulum testing provides highly reliable measurements of walkway slip resistance, making it an effective way for businesses to assess potential hazards and ensure compliance with safety regulations.
  • Cost-effective: By identifying slip hazards early, businesses can prevent costly legal issues and accidents, which makes pendulum testing a smart long-term safety investment.
  • Globally recognized: As it complies with international safety standards, the pendulum test is widely trusted worldwide for ensuring the safety of walkways.
  • Non-destructive: Since the test causes no damage to flooring, businesses can assess surfaces without worrying about the need for repairs or replacement.

A Modern Alternative to Pendulum Testing

The BOT-3000E tribometer presents several distinct advantages over pendulum testing. It provides greater precision, particularly on complex surfaces, while its advanced digital technology ensures faster measurements. Additionally, its versatility allows for assessing various surfaces, including sloped and irregular walkways.

  • Higher precision: It consistently delivers more accurate and repeatable results, particularly on complex surfaces, ensuring thorough slip resistance evaluations.
  • Digital technology: The device leverages advanced digital technology, allowing for faster and more precise measurements, making it highly efficient for frequent testing.
  • Versatility: In addition to flat surfaces, it performs effectively on sloped or irregular walkways, providing a more comprehensive safety assessment.


Pendulum testing is crucial for maintaining walkway safety compliance. By conducting regular slip resistance testing through this method, you can help prevent accidents while ensuring your business adheres to safety regulations. Staying proactive by scheduling routine pendulum tests will protect your walkways and keep your business compliant.

For more information on how to schedule a pendulum test, visit our website at WalkwayMG and learn how to keep your walkways safe and compliant.


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